The Process Of Opening Up A Water Park In China

As one of the leading water park amusement suppliers and manufacturers with the most experience in China, Dalang has summarised some of the critical points in launching a water park, specifically in China. We want to take these opportunities to share our ideas and see if it can help our clients to understand the process better.

In this short article, we assume the most common business processes has already been understood by you, as the future water park investor. Those basic points are:

  1. Conduct diligent research about the industry and the market;
  2. Marketing research and feasibility studies, such as customer demographics, niche ideas and positions you can specialise in, and the level of competition;
  3. More investigations depending on your needs, such as the economic analysis, SWOT and PESTLE analysis, whether you are going to start your new water park or join a franchise, the legal entity type, etc.;
  4. The Financial sources which are very important at the early stage, it varies depends on the size of the water park.
  5. Marketing strategy for the short-run to attract consumers and keep being break-even or better yet, profitable.

Above are just some of the basic things to consider as an entrepreneur or a businessman, for a water park in China, especially, understand the local regulation is a must. These processes are different depending on regions or provinces. For larger enterprises or those who have government supports through positive assessments, the procedure and period of collecting all the necessary papers are simpler and faster. However, government support should be included in all water park projects because of its unique characteristics, unlike other regular parks; and the process to what credentials and where to collect them are as follow:

  1. Urbanconstruction and planning bureau—Apply for construction and audit your construction plan;
  2. Industrial and commercial bureau in the jurisdictional region—Apply for a business operating license;
  3. Technical supervision bureau—apply for Organisation Code Certificate;
  4. Prefecture-level recreational management department—if you are in Zhejiang, for instance, then you need to apply for Zhejiang High-Risk Sports Operation Certificate or Sports Operation Certificate;
  5. Tax bureau in the jurisdictional region—Applyfor tax registration;
  6. Public health administration office in the jurisdictional region—apply for a hygienic license;
  7. Public security and fire force department—Apply for abusiness open record.

We hope this information can help you better get your ideas in shape and help you successfully launch your water park in the future.

Tel:   (0086) 0763-6896 788
Sales:(0086) 0763-6880 138
Mob:(0086) 136 0979 2560
Address: #13 Guangzhou Rd,Guangzhou(Qingyuan) Industrial Transfer Zone
,Qingcheng District Qingyuan City, Guangdong,China.

Guangdong Dalang Water Park Equipment CO.,LTD established in 1999,
Dalang already has 22 years of experience in the entertainment equipment industry.

Tel:   (0086) 0763-6896 788
Sales:(0086) 0763-6880 138
Mob:(0086) 136 0979 2560
Address: #13 Guangzhou Rd,Guangzhou(Qingyuan) Industrial Transfer Zone
,Qingcheng District Qingyuan City, Guangdong,China.

© 2018Guangdong Dalang Water  Park Equipment Co.,Ltd  All rights reserved

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